Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sweet Boy

As many of you know I have a crazy little boy who leaves a wake of destruction behind him just like a tornado. He is all boy but with a heart of pure gold whose favorite things in the world are his paci ( aka "PI PI") which never leaves his mouth unless there is food involved and Elmo. ("ELMO" you must yell it or you're not doing it right)

I have a daughter with long hair (which I think I am going to chop off soon) who hates to have it brushed. This usually leads to crying. Her brother doesn't like it when she cries. He usually cries when she does. So hair brushing time is a very sad, loud time.

Yesterday was no exception but in the middle of the crying my sweet tornado walked up to his sister with tears running down his face and offers her his paci. I AM BLESSED! I thank God everyday for a little boy who loves his sister enough to part with his paci.

* During the writing of this post he was behind me destroying the playroom!!!!

First Post

............Well I had another blog and I finally deleted it because I never used it. I kept forgetting and I only made one post. I am hoping to not do that here. I needed a place to tell all those cute and not so cute things my kids do. This way I don't have to remember who I told and when I told them. We will see if I can keep it up. I am about to do more then I did on my last blog by making a 2nd post.